The effect of analyzing the electrical plunger pump of airplane which is one of the most important loads, is very significant. 燃油系统作为飞机配电系统的重要负载,地位特殊,作用重大。
Noise Analysis of Radial Plunger Pump Distribution and Simulation of Distribution Slot 径向柱塞泵配流噪声分析与配流槽仿真研究
Using constant pressure variables plunger pump, output pressure can keep constant and flow varies as per system's demand. 采用恒压变量柱塞泵,输出压力保持恒定,输出流量根据系统需要而变化。
One new type of internal combustion oil hydraulic power system was put forward, which integrated the technologies of internal combustion engine and oil plunger pump. 提出了一种新型内燃式油压动力系统,该系统集成了内燃机与柱塞式液压泵技术。
The transformation on sealing components of glass pipeline in import sulphuric acid refine device from abroad and sealing structures of the imported high pressure plunger pump is introduced. 介绍了引进硫酸精制装置中玻璃管路密封件以及高压柱塞泵密封结构的改造。
In order to verify the performance of fracturing truck and plunger pump, bench test, final assembly test and field industrial test should be performed. 为了验证压裂车和柱塞泵的性能,进行了台架试验、出厂试验和现场工业试验。
The source of noise in the high pressure plunger pump is identified through frequency spectrum analysis and measurements show significant reduction of noise in the improved plunger pump. 基于高压柱塞泵噪声产生的机理分析与振动频率的计算,找出产生噪声的根源;对实验测得频谱曲线进行频谱分析表明,改进后的高压柱塞泵的噪声得到了明显地改善。
The pump bodies are arranged on the base in pairs and each pair of the pump bodies is used as an independent plunger pump device. 泵体成对设置在基座上,每一对则作为一个独立的柱塞泵装置。
High and ultra-high pressure plunger pump 高压与超高压柱塞泵
Some Problems of HY Series Axial Plunger Pump 关于HY系列轴向柱塞泵的几个问题
Internal combustion water power system integrated traditional internal combustion engine and plunger pump technique, made directly use of the rectilinear motion of plunger for output water power. 内燃式水动力系统将传统内燃机与柱塞式水泵技术集成为一体,直接利用活塞往复直线运动输出水动力。
This article discusses by way of example the causes of crosshead tilt and the influence on pump operation, and presents a method for calculating the accumulated form-and position-accuracy of the driving parts on the reciprocating plunger pump. 通过实例论述了十字头倾斜的原因及对柱塞泵工作造成的影响,提出了计算确定往复式柱塞泵传动链形位精度的方法。
Research on internal leakage for axial plunger pump 轴向柱塞泵内泄漏的研究
The virtual assembly of plunger pump comes true. 在VB平台上将整个工作过程整合,实现了柱塞泵的虚拟装配。
The BZ 740 pump is a high pressure and large flow axial plunger pump. BZ-740泵是铝型材挤压机普遍使用的一种高压、大流量的斜轴式轴向柱塞泵。
This paper sets up a mathematical model for calculating thermal balance of plunger-cylinder wall friction pair in axial plunger pump, analyzes the cause of producing adhesive wear on the friction pair, and puts forward a way to solve the problem. 本文提出了轴向柱塞泵柱塞&缸孔摩擦副热平衡计算的数学模型,进而分析了这对摩擦副产生粘着磨损的原因,并提出了解决办法。
The mechanism and characters of the twisting vibration of a cylinder in the axial plunger pump with an oblique axis and the constructional principle of damping vibration absorber with dry friction are analysed in this article. 本文分析了斜轴式轴向柱塞泵缸体扭转振动产生的机理、特性和干摩擦阻尼减振器的结构原理。
The optimal economic working zone and economic curve were defined and compared with traditional internal combustion engine driving plunger pump. 定义了系统最佳经济性工作区域和最佳经济曲线,并与传统内燃机驱动柱塞泵系统进行比较。
This article discusses the cause and damage of shock during distributing oil in axial plunger pump, introduces and analyzes some methods of controlling shock during distributing oil. 本文讨论了轴向柱塞泵配油冲击的原因和危害,并介绍和分析了几种控制配油冲击的方法。
Application of A_2F6.1 Type Slanting Shaft Plunger Pump in Hydraulic System A2F6.1型斜轴式柱塞泵在液压系统中的应用
The optimal effective thermal efficiency working zone and optimal effective thermal efficiency curve are defined and compared with traditional internal combustion engine driving plunger pump. 定义了系统最佳有效热效率区和最佳有效热效率特性曲线并与传统内燃机驱动柱塞泵系统进行了比较。
Wear Analysis of Plunger Pump Shaft 柱塞泵轴磨损分析
It can give references for use and repair of plunger pump. 以XB型柱塞泵为例,从其正常泄漏的成因及部位进行了探讨,可供柱塞泵使用与维修时借鉴。
The paper analyzes the reasons why there are noises with angle plunger pump and puts forward noise reduction measures. 分析了斜轴式柱塞泵产生噪声的原因,并提出了减低噪声的方法。
Lifting technology for reciprocating magnetic drive plunger pump 往复式磁力驱动柱塞泵举升工艺技术研究
A basic performance analysis for an axial plunger pump is conducted. 通过对轴向柱塞泵的基本性能分析,推导出了流量、脉动系数、流量脉动频率计算公式。
To solve this problem, soft plunger pump with hydraulic start-up has been developed. 针对这一问题,开展了液力启动软柱塞抽油泵的研制工作。
Investigation on the performance and mechanism of reciprocating seal for high pressure plunger pump 高压柱塞泵往复密封性能及机理的研究
On the basis of studying the chance error occurred in the manufacturing process of plunger pump, the writer puts forward the influence of mechanical error on the flow rate of the crank plunger pumps. 通过研究柱塞泵制造过程中的随机误差,明确提出了机械误差对曲柄柱塞泵流量的影响。
The axial plunger pump is very important to high pressure washer. 斜盘柱塞泵是高压清洗机的关键零部件,对高压清洗机的性能有着重要的影响。